Thankfulness Challenge – Thank Your Spouse Daily

Week 2 Thankfulness Challenge - Thank your spouse dailyLast week, we kicked off our November Thankfulness Challenge! If you’re just now joining us, click over to this post to read about how the challenge works. Do your best to continue with the Week 1 Challenge throughout the entire month, even as we add a second challenge today.

Week 2 Thankfulness Challenge: Thank Your Spouse Daily

For some reason, when we get married, we often stop thanking our spouses for things.

Before we’re married, if he cleaned the ice off the windshield of our car or fed our dog, we’d be quick to thank him…but after we tie the knot…those actions often become expected.

When my husband empties the dishwasher or puts the laundry away, I’m ashamed to admit I don’t often thank him for it. After all, it’s his house too. Those are his dishes too. And those are his clothes.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that it’s not helpful for a marriage. Yes, it’s his house, and yes, there are times when he should be doing these things without expecting a thank you.

But that doesn’t mean a “thank you” wouldn’t go a long way to encourage him.

Ladies, can I challenge you to thank your spouse every day this week?

Does he go to work every day? Then thank him for working so hard.

Does he interact with your children every evening? Then tell him you appreciate it.

Does he make sure your car tires always have plenty of air in them? Thank him for that.

Does he try his best to provide for your needs and wants (even if at times he’s not able)? Thank him for being your provider.

When we stop thanking our spouses, our marriages suffer. 

So join me this week in thanking them for the little things they do.

Leave a comment sharing one reason you are thankful for your spouse. Then, if you’d like, share a tweet or Facebook post with the hashtag #thankfulchallenge. And don’t forget to join the conversation on my Facebook Author Page or on Twitter.

Click to tweet this: I’m choosing to change my marriage by thanking my spouse for the little things! #thankfulchallenge 

Click to tweet this: I’m participating in the #thankfulchallenge with @LindseyMBell Want to join? 


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Susan

    I thank my spouse everyday! I thank him for coming home, sitting down to dinner with us when he could be working. I thank him for being such a good sport when the television stays on The Hallmark Channel and he passes me the tissues each time Mrs. Miracle leaves “her family”. I thank him for turning on the heater when he is still comfortable and for leaving work early to pick up my children, his step children when once more I forgot to put a meeting on the calendar.I thank him by taking out the trash and NOT folding his laundry-one chores he prefers me to leave alone, LOL

    1. lindseymbell

      LOVE all of these things, Susan. Well done for recognizing the “little” things he does for you!!

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