You Might Be a Parent If . . .

 I love being a parent. With Mother’s Day being this month, I’ve been thinking about some of the…how should I put it?…unique things parents get to experience. You might be a parent if…
How many of these can you relate to?

You might be a parent if... How many of these can you relate to? You might be a parent if . . .

 1. You can’t remember the last time you slept past 8 AM.

(For our household, that’s actually 7 AM. Our youngest has an internal alarm clock. 6:09 AM. Every. Single Day.)

2. You pick up your house at least five times a day and it still looks like a disaster zone.

3. You eat macaroni and cheese at least once a week.

(Or grilled cheese, or PB&J…whatever your child constantly asks for.)

4. You know all of the characters on Super Why, Wild Kratts, Frozen, Planes, How to Train Your Dragon, and various other kid shows.

5. Dirty diapers, boogers, and maybe even vomit don’t gross you out like they used to.

6. You catch yourself saying things like this: “No, Son, you can’t ride your scooter off of your bed.” Or, “Son, keep Lightning McQueen out of your spaghetti.”

Or, as I heard myself say the other day, “Son, it’s not nice to pee on someone else.”

7. Your car (or minivan, if you’ve given in to that convenience) is loaded down with a stroller, extra clothes, diapers, blankets, cheerios from two weeks ago, and happy meal toys.

8. You don’t mind cleaning out your child’s ear or nose with your bare hand. (It’s so much quicker than getting a tissue!)

9. You can relate to that scene in Date Night where Tina Fey talks about how much she’d love to have a night in a hotel completely by herself.

Because really, is it too much to ask to go the bathroom without someone banging on the door!?

10. No matter how awful your day is, you wouldn’t trade your job for anything else.

Any others? I’d love to hear them. Leave a comment on this post with yours! 

*This post was originally published in 2012, and has been updated.


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lindsey Bell

    Haha:) Love these! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Martha

    11. At some point in your day, you find a mysterious stain, smear or slime on your clothes and you have no idea how it got there.12. You can tell what a kid in the next room is doing just by the sound a certain toy makes as it hits the floor.13. You don't remember what it's like to make, bake or even DO anything without having to provide a full narrative on what and why you're doing it with every step of the process.

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