Become a Better Mom – Week 2 Challenge: Stop Yelling

Become a Better Mom - Week 2 Challenge
Become a Better Mom – Week 2 Challenge

Welcome back to the “Become a Better Mom” Challenge!

If you’re just now joining us, you are welcome to jump in with this week’s challenge or start at the beginning with last week’s challenge, whichever you prefer.

To join the challenge, leave a comment here telling me you are in or updating me on how you’re doing so far! (And don’t forget to enter last week’s giveaway!) Throughout the week, check my Facebook page for updates and to join in the conversation.

Now…without further ado…on to this week’s challenge.

Week 2 Challenge: Commit to Not Yell for 1 Week

Last week, we talked about the importance of starting our days with the Lord. One of the reasons this is SO important is because, if we are left to ourselves, we will never be the parents God designed us to be. We will get frustrated, angry, and impatient with our kids when what they really need is grace and love.

One of the things I struggle with is yelling. I never expected to be a mom who yells. NEVER! But sometimes…when I’m tired or having a rough day or have tried everything to get my kids to listen to me (and failed!), my sinful nature gets the best of me and I yell at the very ones who hold my heart in their hands.

I hate that about myself, and I’m committing to change. Will you join me?

Here is my plan of attack…or, in other words:

How I Plan to Stop Yelling: 

1. I will continue to spend time with the Lord first thing in the morning and ask Him to fill me with His Spirit. This, I believe, is the most important thing I can do to keep myself in check. On my own, I cannot do this…but with God’s Spirit, I can! And so can you.

2. I will give myself time-outs when I become angry.

3. I will take several deep cleansing breaths when I’m angry.

4. I will choose to wait until I have calmed down to speak to my family.

So…who is with me? Who will commit to not yell for 1 week (and hopefully longer…but let’s start with 1 week, okay)? If you’re willing to give this a try, leave a comment on this post. 

Also…be on the lookout for more giveaways coming up! And check my Facebook page for updates this week and to join in the conversation. 

To catch up on the previous challenge:

WEEK 1 CHALLENGE: Spend Time with God Before You Do Anything Else


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Megan

    I catch myself a lot and said I wouldn’t do it. Starting today. 🙂

  2. Tiffany

    I’m in

  3. Lori J

    I’m in!!

  4. Kayla

    I need to do better at both! I’m going to try…TRY is the key. 🙂

  5. Mandy Hammons

    I’m in

  6. Whitney Leigh

    I’m in!

  7. beloved569

    This will very much be a challenge for me!! My girls like to sing the take a deep breath and count to four song.

  8. Julie

    Sounds good, I’m in!

  9. Zoe

    Exactly what I need to do, I’m in!

  10. Tiffany Falley

    I’m in!

  11. Angel

    I pretty much flopped last week. But his grace is sufficient. Trying again this week

    1. lindseymbell

      That’s okay, Angel. You tried. AND are trying again. His grace is bigger:)

  12. lindseymbell

    Yah! Ladies, I’m so glad you joining me in the challenge!

  13. Cortney

    I’m in also:)

  14. Mika foster

    I’m in! Ready for week two! 🙂

  15. Jennifer Gearheart

    I really have enjoyed doing a weekly challenge. Anything to keep me close to the Lord!

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