5 Easy Ways to Honor Your Husband (Even After Father’s Day is Over)

Even though Father’s Day is over, you can still honor that special man in your life. Here are some easy ways to honor your husband this week.

5 ways to honor the man in your life

5 Ways to Honor Your Man:

1. Tell him.

I know it sounds so simple…but really, how often do you tell your husband you appreciate him? If you’re anything like me, not enough.

Don’t wait until special occasions or holidays to tell him how you feel. Try to tell him at least once a week something you appreciate about him.

For some reason, we often stop thanking our husbands for things after we get married.

While dating, we are quick to thank them for changing the oil in our cars or picking up dinner. But something happens when we get married. We stop saying it. It becomes an expectation instead of a sign of love.

This week, make it a priority to notice things your spouse does for you and thank him for it.

2. Treat him like your husband, not like your child.

Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re still functioning in “mom mode,” so here are a few clues.

You might be in “mom mode” if…

  • you’re constantly reminding your husband of things he is perfectly capable of doing himself
  • you’re often stepping in to “help” him do things around the house
  • you find yourself giving him “advice” on better ways to do things
  • you require him to consult with you before every little decision

3. Let him be different than you.

He isn’t going to discipline your children the same way you do. He isn’t going to load the dishwasher the same way you do.

And there’s nothing wrong with different.

Make sure you don’t confuse different with incorrect.

Also on that note…if you think he’s handling something in a way that’s not helpful, don’t tell him in front of your child. Back him up in the moment and then discuss it later. One key to great parenting is putting on a united front to your kids!

4. Talk him up.

Instead of speaking poorly about him to your friends, talk him up! Better yet, allow him to overhear you sharing something positive about him to your friends or family.

5. Support his dreams.

My husband is running his first triathlon this summer. When he first told me about wanting to do it, I had a choice. I could support him (even though I knew it meant he would be spending time away from us and even though I knew it would be a ton of work) or I could act like I didn’t think it was a good idea. I’m so glad I chose to support him.

Because the truth is, our men need us to be their cheerleaders. Just as we need them to love us, they need us to support them.

What other ways do you honor the man in your life? 


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at lindseymbell.com, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

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