What I Learned from Going Offline (and why it matters to you)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a couple of posts about social media addiction. Right after writing those posts, my kids finished up school for the year. So, in light of those two things, I went offline. I took some time off from social media, blogging, and similar writing/work activities.

Here are a few things I learned from going offline (and why these things matter to you too!)

What I learned from going offline (and why it matters to you)

What I Learned from Going Offline (and why it matters to you)

1. There will always be a ton of things to do.

Always. The solution is not to do more things so I can get everything done, but to slow down and prioritize. And then only do those things that really matter. Let everything else go.

2. Taking time off doesn’t mean I’m giving up my dream.

Sometimes, taking time off is exactly what I need to do to get my dream working for me again…to feel passionate about writing again.

3. We all have the same amount of time in a day, and we can get a lot done if we get off Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest.

4. Reading can be very therapeutic, and I love to read for fun.

You might not love to read, but I guarantee there’s something you love to do. Take time to do this thing!

5. The world isn’t going to end if I’m off Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest for a day.

It’s not going to end if I don’t reply to an email immediately either.

6. My friends aren’t going to be offended if I don’t update my social media sites regularly.

They might appreciate having one less thing to read for the day 🙂

7. Children are only little once.

They matter so much more than anything on my computer.

8. Being present means much more than just being in the same room with someone.

It means really being with them. Laughing with them. Playing with them. Talking to them.

9. If God wants me to write a book, he’ll help me do it without sacrificing my family.

And I’d say the same thing for any other hobby or job.

If God’s in the middle of it, your family shouldn’t suffer.

Have you ever gone offline for a while? What did you learn? 

*This post was originally published in 2012, but has been updated after this most recent break.


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at lindseymbell.com, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

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