How to Have a Marriage Like No One Else -Great Marriage Tip 3

Do you long to have a great marriage? Or, even just a somewhat stronger marriage than you have now? If so, read on for the third post in this new marriage series.

How to have a marriage like no one else - New blog series by Lindsey Bell to help you have a great marriage

Great Marriage Tip 3:

When my husband and I first married, there was one thing we said we would always do.

Go on regular dates.

I’m learning, though (now that we have kids and life keeps getting faster and faster), that the word “regular” wasn’t specific enough. What we should have said is this: We will go on a date at least once a week. Or… we will go on a date at least once a  month.

Unfortunately, our “regular” dates have now become once every 3-4…sometimes 6…months, depending on babysitting and our schedules.

Dating your spouse isn’t easy. At least not once you have kids.

It’ll take some creativity and planning. It’ll cost a little bit of money. It might even feel a little awkward if you’re not used to spending time alone with your spouse.

One thing my husband and I like to do on all of our dates is ask 2 specific questions. I shared these questions recently at In All You Do. Skip over there to read more.

Unfortunately, going on dates isn’t as easy as it used to be before kids.

Let’s be honest.

Sometimes, it feels like more work than it’s worth.

My husband and I have been brainstorming ways to make it happen in our marriage, and I’m excited to share these with you today:

How to Make Date Nights Happen: 

How to make date nights work for you

1. Hire a regular babysitter. Ask someone if they would be willing to watch your children once a week or once a month (whenever you plan to go on dates). This will remove the “who are we going to have watch the kids?” dilemma.
2. Budget for date nights. This, of course, will remove the “we don’t have the money” excuse.

3. Consider swapping date nights with another couple. You watch their children one week, then they watch yours the next. If money is tight, this is a great way to get free babysitting!

4. Put it on the calendar. Because we all know, if it’s not on the calendar, it won’t happen.

5. Take turns planning the activities. This takes the pressure off of one person.

6. If going out isn’t an option, plan a weekly at home date night.

Honestly, this is what we have done. Every week, unless something unexpected comes up, we have one night where we plan at-home dates. We take turns planning and don’t have to hire a babysitter because our date begins when our kids head to bed.

Let’s talk. What have you found helpful when trying to date your spouse?

To start at the beginning of this blog series and read Tip 1, go here.


Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Lisa

    Dates with kids? We always brought him with! 3 peas in a pod. But now that he’s older we meet up for lunch and go out to dinner occasionally. We like to go out to dinner on our anniversary. We have gone to the movies here and there. But we love doing things as a family. And if not – we do an occasional dinner or lunch.

    1. lindseymbell

      Love it, Lisa! You bring up a good point. There’s nothing that says you can’t take your kiddo with you!!

  2. Jennifer Hunter

    These are some great ideas Lindsey! I am brand new to your blog and must tell you that I am really enjoying it. God has blessed you with an incredible gift and I am thankful that I have found you. Have a wonderful day!Jennifer

  3. Annette @ In All You Do

    GREAT Tips Lindsey!!! It is SO difficult to find that time alone with kids around. Add a husband with an overnight work schedule and compounds even more! We've not been good at this lately, but are planning a date VERY soon!! We have a Christmas Gift Certificate to use! :)Thanks for sharing your heart!Love you girl!Annette

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