3 Things All Dads Need to Know

There are a few things that all dads need to know. Want to know more?

3 Things All Dads Need to Know

3 Things Dads Need to Know

Have you noticed that a lot of TV shows make men look like idiots who don’t know how to do anything right? It’s sad, isn’t it?

Because the truth is, men are not idiots who don’t know how to change diapers or wash their own clothes. Men are just as vital to the health of a family as women are. And most men (at least most men I know) DO know how to change diapers, do laundry, and wash dishes. They are not helpless. They are not stupid. And they are not oblivious to the workings of a home.

So…with Father’s Day coming up, here are 3 things all dads need to know:

1. You’re not “just another person” your wife needs to clean up after.

I know we sometimes treat you that way, especially after a long day of cleaning up messy children. But the truth is, you’re not another mess we need to tend to. You’re our husbands. You’re the father of our children.

I’m sorry we sometimes treat you as anything less.

And though we do sometimes get grumpy about cleaning up, we’d much rather have you here (with a bit more of a mess) than do life without you.

2. Your boys are looking to you as their example of what a “real man” acts like.

So don’t ever think what you do isn’t important. They are watching you. They’re watching how you treat women, how you work, what you watch on TV, what you listen to, and just about everything else you do.

Your little boys want to be just like you someday, so don’t for a second think your role isn’t important.

3. You matter.

You matter to us. Not just as the father of our children. Not just as the provider in our homes. You matter to us as our husbands. As the men we chose to spend life with.

And you matter as your childrens’ dad. Your boys are learning from you what it means to be men, and your girls are looking to you to help them understand their own significance.

Thank you for what you do: for the way you provide for our family, for being our “fix it” man, for being the rock of our family, and for putting our needs before your own.

Happy Father’s Day!

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Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at lindseymbell.com, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

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