Do You Seek Jesus…Or Only What He Can Give You?

Why do you pursue Jesus?

Is it because you want Him to give you something or because you simply want more of Him?

This question has been circling around in my mind for the past few months, and it’s really made me reflect on my reasons for praying and spending time with the Lord.

Although I would love to claim that my motives are pure and holy, if I’m being honest, I can’t say that’s always the case.

Many times, I come to Jesus with my mind full of requests.

Will you help me with this?

Jesus, please be with …

Here is my list of needs.

I come to Him, not to get to know Him more, but to tell him what I need…

To read the rest of this post, click over to In All You Do, where I’m sharing today! 

Do you seek Jesus, or do you seek what Jesus can give you? -



Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bonnie Clarkson

    I come almost from the other end. My church stressed not nagging husbands and fathers. I found the less I asked, the less I was disappointed. The less I was disappointed, the less I asked. It was a downward spiral. It blew my mind that Jesus wants us to ask the father for things. It was another eye opener to know that if we ask for bread, he will not give us a stone. I’ve gotten better at asking, but have found there has to be trust within the asking.

    1. lindseymbell

      Bonnie, Thank you for sharing! You bring up a really important point. Some of us ask for things for the wrong reason…to satisfy our own selfish desires…and some of us just don’t ask.

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